Health, Safety and Environment Management Software System


ISO standard based QMS QISS Offers Health, Safety and Environment Management Reporting Software System for your company.


This writing will discuss a Health, Safety and Environment Management Reporting Software System of an ISO (International Organization for Standardization) standard-based quality management software QISS.

An OH&S (Occupational Health & Safety) management system enables an organization to manage its OH&S risks, improve its OH&S performance, and help an organization fulfill its legal and other requirements. Implementation and adherence can be more effective and efficient when taking early action to address opportunities for improvement of the OH&S system.

How does QISS software help an organization with its HSE requirements?

The software allows the user to designate specific employees as HSE members – these individuals perform the required tasks associated with the module. HSE groups can be formed to address HSE matters through a group dynamic. The setup allows you to designate chemical types used by your company, classify types of incidents, and account for total working hours performing assigned tasks.

The HSE module allows the user to initiate both observation reporting and incident reporting in the same module. Both reporting types have corresponding dashboards that help manage assigned tasks that an individual is responsible for completing.

Charts and reports are available to track overall performance and record keeping. Search is available to search past reports and document previous actions.

HSE or health, safety, and environment module help an organization handle incidents and accidents in the areas of Health, Safety, and Environment so as to deal with any negative effects, reduce the likelihood of future accidents and incidents, and comply with reporting requirements of regulatory authorities. It also includes tools for reporting observations.

Our HSE module is in use at some of the most demanding companies, and hopefully, you can see why that is so. Our HSE module helps deal with incidents, accidents, and observations, including reducing the likelihood of future accidents and incidents. It also simplifies reporting requirements of regulatory authorities.

In addition to being a great business investment, the QISS HSE module is a valuable tool for compliance in highly regulated industries and small companies that fall under the same ISO requirement of conducting and implementing an audit system under ISO 9001:2015.

What is the QISS Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Reporting Management System?

The HSE module in QISS is a powerful tool that is easy to set up and offers dynamic, work-flow software capabilities that enable an organization to document observations and incidents that affect its Management System related to health, safety, and/or environmental issues.

The HSE module combines with the Aspects & Impacts app from QISS to help create a comprehensive and Integrated. QHSE system. 

Benefits of QISS Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Reporting Management System

  • Activities by authorization: QISS is a permission-based software, and only authorized users can perform an activity. The module manager or one of his/her higher authorities is responsible for granting permissions for the HSE module activities.
  • Accident/incident or observation reporting of different origins: Both accident/incident and observation reporting can be of internal or audit origin.
  • Multiple workflow options for accident/incident reporting: QISS defines three different workflows for accident/incident reporting. Each program in the HSE module can be set to use one of the workflows through HSE options.
  • HSE options: Options allow a certain level of customization. You can use options to modify the default settings provided by QISS. For example, by default, each program uses the default workflow for accident/incident reporting. However, a program can be set to use different workflows through HSE options.
  • Configurable email settings: QISS sends assignments, FYI, and past-due emails. By default, properties of email, such as subject, message, recipients, and frequency of emails for an event, are determined by QISS. However, they can be modified through email configuration. For assignment emails, email subject and message can be configured. For FYI, emails, email subject, message, and recipients can be configured. For past due emails, subject, message, initial delay, and frequency of emails can be configured.
  • Ability to add custom fields: In addition to standard fields provided by QISS, such as department, origin, and input name, authorized users can add custom fields to both observation and accident/incident reporting. Custom fields can be a single line text, multi-line text, read-only text, drop-down list, date, time, number, or calculated field.
  • Saving current work: Current work on observation and accident/incident reporting can be saved so that the user who saved it can retrieve the saved information later and continue working on it at the appropriate time. Work can be saved during the initiation of observation and accident/incident reporting.
  • CAPAs from accident/incident and observation reports: Both accident/incident and observation reports allow CAPAs to be initiated by them. 
  • Ability to control approvers for initial approval and final verification for accident/incident reports: QISS defines HSE module manager as the default approver for both initial approval and final verification. Authorized users can modify the defaults and change approvers.
  • Dashboards: Users can view the current status of an open accident/incident or observation report through dashboards. Dashboards include required action, due date, and the user the report is waiting for action.
  • Advanced search capabilities: This feature enables users to retrieve accident/incident or observation reports precisely by allowing them to add conditions. Records satisfying the user’s conditions will be retrieved. Those records also can be exported to MS excel. QISS also allows user’s search conditions to be saved and reused. 
  • Edit capabilities: Authorized users can perform edit activities to modify existing information in accident/incident or observation reports.
  • Ability to report to others: QISS users can send an accident/incident or observation report internally and externally to other users through email. All attachments of that report would be automatically included in the email.
  • Additional Aspects and Impacts app from QISS will help provide an organization with a complete platform for setting up and operating an Integrated QHSE system.

Features of QISS Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Reporting Management System

  • Ability to initiate accident/incident report
  • Ability to add custom fields with more type of fields (for example, date, time, number, and derived)
  • Ability to set HSE origin to internal or Audit
  • Advanced search features 
  • Reports and Charts
  • Web input of Safety Hazard Observations
  • Configurable forms for Input
  • Configurable workflow to manage a response to the observation
  • Observations can reference other observations

QISS Safe Mobile Application

  • Ability to initiate Safety/Hazard Observations from a mobile application on Android or Apple
  • 3 Step work-flow from initial report to Closure/Escalation
  • Ability to report anonymously or request follow up
  • Ability to cross-reference with CAPA
  • Get complete visibility into all your Health, Safety, Environmental & Hazard Observations
  • Track and access all Reports through this centralized web-based database so you can trend information and identify areas of increased risk.
  • Ensure Compliance with common management standards.
  • Satisfy and exceed audit, nonconformance, and corrective and preventive action requirements of many common standards such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 45001.
  • Prevent the recurrence or occurrence of discrepancies, failures, and deviations through dashboards that provide a real-time, at-a-glance assessment of the status of Incidents and Observations within the system
  • Cultivate a companywide culture of continuous improvement through improved user adoption with mobile observations
  • Generate reports required by regulatory bodies, such as US-OSHA

The history of QISS Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Reporting Management System

For most of the time, workers were considered like parts – replaceable. Whether they were slaves of a master or indentured servants, making pennies a week for their services, workers were seen as a necessary evil, and their welfare was a mere afterthought. This was especially true of child laborers. During the industrial revolution, slow progress was made in an attempt to relieve some of the workplace horrors of the day.

It is possible to trace the formation of a structured health and safety system back to 1833, when the Factories Act began. It was the duty of inspectors to help to prevent injuries to young children working in terrible conditions and also to try and prevent overworking.

In the United States, occupational health and safety truly began in 1970, with the passing of the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act, or OSHA. This law’s goal was simple: to improve safety and guarantee safer working conditions for all workers, regardless of their job or industry.

Anytime the government is involved, paperwork is at the forefront of all activities. The documentation requirement related to accidents or incidents sometimes overwhelmed manual systems and created just as big of a mess as the incidents being reported. In more modern times, software technology has been introduced that allows for more efficient documentation processes that also end the drudgery of a manual system.

The QISS HSE module was developed so organizations could document events and issues related to the health, safety, and environmental well-being of an organization’s QMS.

The module was designed to document events, occurrences, or observations related to safety and environmental issues, accidents, or non-conformances and determine courses of action to remedy and/or eliminate any risk or hazards that may be found related to the above.