Engineering Change Management Software System


ISO standard based QMS QISS Offers Engineering Change Management Software System for your company.


This writing will discuss a Engineering Change Management Software System of an ISO (International Organization for Standardization) standard-based quality management software QISS.

What is the QISS Engineering Change Request/Engineering Change Notification (ECR/ECN) Management System?

Engineering Change Notice or ECN allows an organization to authorize and record design changes and modifications throughout the initial phases of a design and product life cycle stages.

Engineering Change Request or ECR is a form used to describe a suggested enhancement or fix to a product design. The form initiates the change process and promotes discussions within the engineering team to help determine the impact of a change and the best possible solution.

An ECN/ECR management system allows for control over the information contained in either form/request.  The system provides a format to document and control the activities associated with ECN/ECR events.

Features and Benefits of QISS Engineering Change Request/Engineering Change Notification (ECR/ECN) Management System

 Key Features/Benefits

  • Engineering Change Request (ECR) for Drawing, BOM etc.
  • Approval process for ECR before proceeding to ECN
  • Workflow with delegation until ECN implementation
  • Ability to associate impacted items
  • Determination of inventory quantity & location of impacted items
  • Determine Disposition of impacted items & associated cost
  • Review process for determined disposition & cost estimation
  • Approval for ECN & Notification for Implementation
  • Confirmation for Implementation from involved parties
  • Review ECN and ensure all necessary actions have been completed

The history of QISS Engineering Change Request/Engineering Change Notification (ECR/ECN) Management System

The QISS ECR/ECN module was developed so organizations could document notices and changes to engineering designs in a controlled manner. Work-flow is built-in that allows parties to participate in the decision making process related to change of design.

Change requests describe a suggested enhancement or fix to a product design or drawing.  These requests allow the design team to review, and if agreed, to make changes to designs.

Change notices authorizes design changes, after approval through the change request sequence, and modifications throughout the initial phasing of a design and product life cycle stages.