Customer Survey Management Software System


ISO standard based QMS QISS Offers Customer Survey Management Software System for your company.


It will automate your customer surveys processes with an easy-to-use web-based customer survey management system. Free up time with customer survey tools, an all-in-one solution for managing your customer surveys.

Customer surveys give feedback you need to improve and grow your business. Keep data safe by selecting a platform designed with privacy and security in mind, like QISS.

This writing will discuss a Customer Survey Management Software System of an ISO (International Organization for Standardization) standard-based quality management software QISS.

ISO 9001:2015, Section 9.1.2 Customer Satisfaction states that an organization shall monitor its customers’ perceptions of the degree to which their needs and expectations have been fulfilled. The organization shall determine the methods for obtaining, monitoring, and reviewing this information. It is not a good idea to assume satisfaction by extrapolating our assessment of our performance on factors that, in our opinion, should garner high levels of satisfaction. Examples: our inspection results or on-time-delivery.

It is universally true that customer satisfaction is the key to an organization’s success. QISS’s Customer Management module provides the start and end of the customer relations process, linking with the rest of the Management System that are all geared to obtaining the highest customer satisfaction. One of the most important practices an organization utilizes to gauge customer perception is its ability to measure satisfaction by use of measuring tools for this purpose. One of the most universal and reliable tools for this practice is the use of customer surveys.

Most ISO-certified organizations utilize a form of a survey, with specific questions related to performance and perception, that is provided to their customer base to measure and monitor their respective customers’ satisfaction. 

How does QISS software Survey Module help an organization with its Customer Management requirements?

QISS software provides the user with a dynamic and easy-to-use module to create, prepare, and publish survey results. These surveys may be of many different types and are easily stored in QISS for future use. The user may upload survey questions, either as a single inquiry or in a group format, to be used in emails sent to customers. These surveys meet the requirements of ISO 9001:2015, Section 9.1.2, Customer Satisfaction, in that they can be prepared and published with all the necessary inquiry content needed to measure and monitor customer perception of an organization’s ability to meet its customers’ needs and expectations.

The QISS module allows the user to upload reusable survey questions, thus creating and expanding a user base of questions. The user can create various survey types or different types of surveys based upon the survey intent and recipient. Survey groups may be created so the organization can group surveys by type of customer, customer needs, locations, etc. This will allow the user to organize its survey approaches and the timing of survey publication.

The user can upload all customer and customer representative contact information into the module, thus saving time and having all customer information in one safe and secure location.

The Survey module allows the user to prepare surveys by providing space for survey information, uploading previously prepared questionnaires, and selecting participants, both within the QISS system and outside third parties.

Once the survey is prepared, it can be published within the Survey module. This is accomplished by simply clicking the “publish survey” button under the Publish Survey page in QISS. Customers will receive a link, and once clicked, the customer will fill out the survey and click return, and the survey is returned to the user’s QISS survey module. Survey results are received back and are viewed by clicking the View Survey button. The survey results are contained in the module, and charts and reports can be created from the data contained in each survey.

The QISS Survey Module allows for an organization to have the ability to capture and record real-time data on the status of each customer’s perception and overall satisfaction with a user’s product and services and how these meet the needs and expectations of the customer and store this information within the survey module. Furthermore, issues that arise are timely and readily handled, and the user is more informed on its products and how its performance is affecting the perception of its customer base. 

Survey responses that result in complaints can be handled in the Customer Complaint module and by using the NCR module in QISS – as previously discussed in the Customer Complaint module presentation. 

In addition to being a great business investment, the QISS Survey module is a valuable tool for compliance in highly regulated industries and small companies that fall under the same ISO requirement of conducting and implementing an audit system under ISO 9001:2015.

What is the QISS Customer Survey Management System?

It is universally true that customer satisfaction is the key to an organization’s success. QISS’s Customer Management module provides the start and end of the customer relations process, linking with the rest of the Management System that are all geared to obtain the highest customer satisfaction. 

One of the most important practices an organization utilizes to gauge customer perception is its ability to measure satisfaction by use of measuring tools for this purpose. One of the most universal and reliable tools for this practice is the use of customer surveys.

Benefits of QISS Customer Survey Management System

  • Activities by authorization: QISS is a permission-based software, and only authorized users can perform an activity. The module manager or one of his/her higher authorities is responsible for granting permissions for customer management activities.
  • Reusable survey questions: Authorized users can add any number of questions to the questions bank and use them in multiple surveys. Answers to a survey question can be selecting yes or no, selecting integer numbers between 1 and 5 to specify the scale of satisfaction or dissatisfaction, or providing a typed-in comment. In QISS, you can create the following types of questions.
    • Range (Not Applicable, Poor, Fair, Good, Very Good, Excellent) Differential Semantic Scale.
    • Yes/No 
    • Text
  • Survey types: QISS allows user-defined survey types to categorize surveys. Each survey must be associated with a survey type.
  • Preparing surveys: When preparing a survey, any number of questions can be added from the questions bank. Prepared surveys can be published multiple times to get users’ feedback.
  • Publishing surveys: A prepared survey can be published immediately after preparing it or sometime in the future. QISS automatically publishes a survey that is scheduled for publication at a future date without any user interaction. QISS also allows editing a published survey to add additional participants or resending it a specified number of times when users do not respond to it. QISS furthermore enables the following options to set during publishing the survey.
    • Option to be notified of survey completion
    • Option to resend when not answered
      • Ability to set a pause (in days) (for example, you can set any number of days before sending the emails)
      • Ability to set repetition period (in days) (for example, if you set 7 days, the system will send the email every seven days) 
      • Ability to set number of repetitions (for example, if you set 3, the system will send only three emails when not answered)
  • Responding to a published survey: Participants of a survey receive the survey through their email. They can respond to the survey before it is closed by authorized users.
  • Analysis of conducted surveys: QISS generates an analytical report to determine customer satisfaction based on participant’s input for range-based questions. 

Features of QISS Customer Survey Management System

  • Ability to add reusable survey questions
  • Ability to add survey type
  • Ability to add survey group
  • Ability to prepare a survey
  • Ability to add the participant to existing survey
  • Ability to participate in a survey without logging in to QISS
  • Ability to resend the survey notification to individuals who have not responded yet
  • Ability to close the survey any time
  • Ability to view existing survey

The history of the QISS Customer Survey Management System

Have you ever wondered who the first customer was? Ever? Probably some caveman-type who saw a round “thingy” rolling along and wanted one himself. He goes to the guy who chiseled it and asked what he wants for the wheel. The first “sale” is made for a blanket and an ax. When the wheel is less satisfying for the purchaser, he wants his axes back – well, that scene probably ended badly.

Customer complaints are as old as time itself, and organizations have always struggled with responding to complaints. Under ISO-type systems, organizations are required to monitor customer complaints and deal with them in a manner that results in customer satisfaction. Additionally, satisfaction is the main tenet in quality objectives – knowing how your customer feels about you and your product.

The QISS Customer Survey module was developed so organizations could create, issue, and document their customer base’s satisfaction level. The module allows for surveys to be uploaded and sent to customers. Organizations can monitor their satisfaction levels with customers and develop a healthier relationship based upon the data received and be able to address problems in a quicker and more detailed manner.

The data is available for satisfaction determination and management review, as per the requirement of ISO 9001:2015.